Publications of Lansner, A.

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23 publication entries, 2 of them (printed in bold in the list) acknowledge the project support.
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Book chapter
Conference contribution: poster

Paper (reviewed)

Benjaminsson et al. 2010Benjaminsson, S., Fransson, P. and Lansner, A.A novel model-free data analysis technique based on clustering in a mutual information space: application to resting-state fMRIFront. Syst. Neurosci. (2010) 4:34
abstract, fulltext
Bruederle et al. 2011Brüderle, D., Petrovici, M.A., Vogginger, B., Ehrlich, M., Pfeil, T., Millner, S., Grübl, A., Wendt, K., Müller, E., Schwartz, M.O., de Oliveira, D.H., Jeltsch, S., Fieres, J., Schilling, M., Müller, P., Breitwieser, O., Petkov, V., Muller, L., Davison, A.P., Krishnamurthy, P., Kremkow, J., Lundqvist, M., Muller, E., Partzsch, J., Scholze, S., Zühl, L., Mayr, C., Destexhe, A., Diesmann, M., Potjans, T.C., Lansner, A., Schüffny, R., Schemmel, J. and Meier, K.A comprehensive workflow for general-purpose neural modeling with highly configurable neuromorphic hardware systems.Biol Cybern. (2011) 104(4-5):263-96
fulltext, BibTeX
De Schutter et al. 2005De Schutter, E., Ekeberg, Ö., Hellgren Kotaleski, J., Achard, P. and Lansner, A.Biophysically detalied modelling of microcircuits and beyondTrends Neurosci (2005) 28: 562-569
Djurfeldt et al. 2008Djurfeldt, M., Lundqvist, M., Johansson, C., Rehn, M., Ekeberg, Ö. and Lansner, A. Brain-scale simulation of the neocortex on the Blue Gene/L supercomputerIBM J Research and Development (2008) 52: 31-42 abstract, fulltext
Djurfeldt et al. 2008bDjurfeldt, M., Ekeberg, Ö. and Lansner, A.Large-scale modeling ? a tool for conquering the complexity of the brain. Front. Neuroinform. (2008) 2:1 fulltext
Johansson and Lansner 2006bJohansson, C. and Lansner, A.Imposing biological constraints onto an abstract neocortical attractor network modelNeural Computation. (2007) 19:1871-1896 abstract
Johansson and Lansner 2007Johansson, C. and Lansner, A.Imposing Biological Constraints onto an Abstract Neocortical Attractor Network ModelNeural Computation (2007) 19(7): 1871-1896
Johansson and Lansner 2007bJohansson, C. and Lansner, A.Towards Cortex Sized Artificial Neural SystemsNeural Networks (2007) 20: 48-61
Johansson and Lansner 2008Johansson, C. and Lansner, A.Implementing plastic weights in neural networks using low precision arithmetic. Neurocomputing (2009) 72(4-6): 968-972
Johansson and Lansner 2009Johansson, C. and Lansner, A.Implementing plastic weights in neural networks using low precision arithmetic.Neurocomputing (2009) 72: 968-972 abstract
Johansson et al. 2006Johansson, C., Ekeberg, Ö. and Lansner, A.Clustering of stored memories in an attractor network with local competitionInt. J. Neural Systems (2006) 16: 393-403
Lansner 2009Lansner, A.Associative memory models ? from cell assembly theory to biophysically detailed cortex simulations.Trends Neurosci (2009) 32: 178-186 abstract
Lundqvist et al. 2005Lundqvist, M., Rehn, M. and Lansner, A.Attractor dynamics in a modular network model of the cerebral cortexNeurocomputing (2005) 69: 1155-1159
Lundqvist et al. 2006Lundqvist, M., Rehn, M., Djurfeldt, M. and Lansner, A.Attractor dynamics in a modular network model of the neocortexNetwork Computation in Neural Systems (2006) 17: 253-276
Lundqvist et al. 2009Lundqvist, M., Compte, A. and Lansner, A.Bistable, Irregular Firing and Population Oscillations in a Modular Attractor Memory NetworkPLoS Comput Biol. (2010) 6(6): e1000803
Sandström et al. 2009Sandström, M., Lansner, A., Hellgren Kotaleski, J. and Rospars, J.-P.Modeling the response of a population of olfactory receptor neurons to an odorant." doi: 10.1007/s10827-009-0147-5J Comput Neurosci (2009) abstract, fulltext


Brette et al. 2007bBrette, R., Rudolph, M., Carnevale, T., Hines, M., Beeman, D., Bower, J.M., Diesmann, M., Morrison, A., Goodman, P.H., Harris Jr., F.C., Zirpe, M., Natschläger, T., Pecevski, D., Ermentrout, B., Djurfeldt, M., Lansner, A., Rochel, O., Vieville, T., Muller, E., Davison, A.P., El Boustani, S., and Destexhe, A.Simulation of networks of spiking neurons: a review of tools and strategiesJournal of Computational Neuroscience (2007) 23(3):349-98 abstract, fulltext

Book chapter

Frégnac et al. 2006bFrégnac, Y., Blatow, M., Changeux, J.P., DeFelipe, J., Lansner, A., Maass, W., Markram, H., McCormick, D., Michel, C.M., Monyer, H., Szathmáry, E. and Yuste, R.Ups and Downs in the genesis of cortical computationIn: "Microcircuits: The Interface between Neurons and Global Brain Function Microcircuits: Dahlem Workshop Report 93". (Eds. Grillner, S. e. a.) Cambridge, USA: The MIT Press, (2006) pp. 397-437 fulltext
Lansner and Lundqvist 2010Lansner, A. and Lundqvist, M.Modeling Coordination in the Neocortex at the Microcircuit and Global Network LevelIn: Dynamic Coordination in the Brain: From Neurons to Mind. Strüngmann Forum Report, vol. 5. C. Von der Malsburg, W. A. Phillips and W. Singer, Eds. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press: 83-99.
Lansner et al. 2008Lansner, A., Benjaminsson, S. and Johansson, C.From ANN to biomimetic information processingIn "Biologically inspired signal processing for chemical sensing" (2008) Gutierrez A. and Marco S. (eds.), Studies in Computational Intelligence series, Springer.
Lansner et al. 2009Lansner, A., Benjaminsson, S. and Johansson, C.From ANN to biomimetic information processingBiologically Inspired Signal Processing for Chemical Sensing. S. G. Marco, Agustín, Ed, Springer. (2009) 188: 37-50. abstract
Mehta et al. 2010Mehta, M., Buzsáki, G., Kreiter, A., Lansner, A., Lücke, J., Martin, K. A. C., Moghaddam, B., Moser, M.-B., Nikolic, D. and Sejnowski, T. J.Coordination in CircuitsDynamic Coordination in the Brain: From Neurons to Mind. C. von der Malsburg, W. A. Phillips and W. Singer, Eds. Cambridge, MIT Press. (2010) 5:133-148

Conference contribution: poster

Johansson and Lansner 2006Johansson, C. and Lansner, A.A hierarchical brain-inspired computing systemNOLTA 2006, Bologna, Italy.


3 August 2011