Publications of Ren?, A.

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10 publication entries, 1 of them (printed in bold in the list) acknowledge the project support.
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Conference contribution: poster
Web publication

Paper (reviewed)

De Schutter et al. 2005De Schutter, E., Ekeberg, Ö., Hellgren Kotaleski, J., Achard, P. and Lansner, A.Biophysically detalied modelling of microcircuits and beyondTrends Neurosci (2005) 28: 562-569
Renaud et al. 2010Renaud, S., Tomas, T., Lewis, N., Bornat, Y., Daouzli, A., Rudolph, M., Destexhe, A., Saïghi, S.PAX: A mixed hardware/software simulation platform for spiking neural networksNeural Networks (2010) 23(7): 905-16
Zou et al. 2006Zou, Q., Bornat, Y., Saighi, S., Tomas, J., Renaud, S. and Destexhe, A.Analog-digital simulations of full conductance-based networks of spiking neurons with spike timing dependent plasticity.Network: Computation in Neural Systems (2006) 17(3): 211-233 abstract, fulltext
Zou et al. 2006aZou, Q., Bornat, Y., Tomas, J., Renaud, S. and Destexhe, A.Real-time simulations of networks of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons using analog circuitsNeurocomputing (2006) 69: 1137-1140 abstract, fulltext


Ascoli et al. 2008Ascoli, G.A., Alonso-Nanclares, L., Anderson, S.A., Barrionuevo, G., Benavides-Piccione, R., Burkhalter, A., Buzsaki, G., Cauli, B., DeFelipe, J., Fairén, A., Feldmeyer, D., Fishell, G., Fregnac, Y., Freund, T.F., Karube, F., Gardner, D., Gardner, E.P., Goldberg, J.H., Helmstaedter, M., Hestrin, S., Kisvarday, Z., Lambolez, B., Lewis, D., Marin, O., Markram, H., Muñoz, A., Packer, A., Petersen, C., Rockland, K., Rossier, J., Rudy, B., Somogyi, P., Staiger, J.F., Tamas, G., Thomson, A.M., Toledo-Rodriguez, M., Wang, Y., West, D.C. and Yuste, R.Petilla Terminology: Nomenclature of features of GABAergic interneurons of the cerebral cortexNature Reviews Neuroscience (2008) 9: 557-568 abstract

Conference contribution: poster

Bornat, Y., Renaud, S., Tomas, J., Zou, Q. and Destexhe, A.An Analog/Digital Simulation System for Biomimetic Neural NetworksEPFL Latsis Symposium 2006, Dynamical principles for neuroscience and intelligent biomimetic devices, Lausanne (Switzerland), March 8-10 2006
Kremkow et al. 2009dKremkow, J., Laurent, L.U., Reynaud, A., Aertsen, A., Masson, G.S. and Chavane, F.Dynamics of cortico-cortical interactions during motion integration in early visual cortex: a spiking neural network model of an optical imaging studyAnnual Meeting Computational Neuroscience Society (2009)
Renaud et al. 2007Renaud, S., Tomas, J., Bornat, Y., Daouzli, A. and Saïghi, S. Neuromimetic ICs with analog cores: an alternative for simulating spiking neural networksInternational Symposium on Circuits And Systems 2007, ISCAS07, New-Orleans, USA, May 27-30, 2007, pp 3355-3358, ISBN 1-4244-0921-1 fulltext
Renaud et al., 2007bRenaud, S., Bornat, Y., Daouzli, A., Saïghi, S. Engineering Neuromorphic systemsNeurocomp 2007, Paris, France (2007)

Web publication

Alonso et al. 2005Alonso-Nanclares, L., Anderson, S., Ascoli, G., Benavides-Piccione, R., Burkhalter, A., Buzsaki, G., Cauli, B., DeFelipe, J., Fairen, A., Feldmeyer, D., Fishel, G., Frégnac, Y., Freund, T. F., Fukuyi, K., Glarreta, M., Goldberg, J., Helmstaedter, M., Hensch, T., Hestrin, S., Kisvarday, Z., Lambolez, B., Lewis, D., McBain, C., Marin, O., Markram, H., Monyer, H., Muñoz, A., Petersen, C., Rockland, K., Rossier, H., Ruby, B., Somogyi, P., Staiger, J. F., Tamas, G., Thomson, A., Toledo-Rodriguez, M., Wang, X.-J., Wang, Y., West, D. and Yuste, R.Nomenclature of features of GABAergic interneurons of the cerebral cortex.Web publication (2005) fulltext


3 August 2011