Publications of Voges, N.

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4 publication entries, 1 of them (printed in bold in the list) acknowledge the project support.

Paper (reviewed)

Voges and Perrinet 2009Voges, N. and Perrinet, L.Phase space analysis of networks based on biologically realistic parameters. Journal of Physiology-Paris (2010) 104(1-2): 51-60
Voges et al. 2010Voges, N., Guijarro, C., Aertsen, A. and Rotter, S.Models of cortical networks with long-range patchy projectionsJournal of Computational Neuroscience (2010) 28(1): 137-154

Conference contribution: poster

Perrinet et al. 2009Perrinet, L., Voges, N., Kremkow, J. and Masson, G.S.SDecoding center-surround interactions in population of neurons for the ocular following responseProceedings of COSYNE Conference (2009)
Voges et al. 2008Voges, N., Kremkow, J. and Perrinet, L.Dynamics of cortical networks based on patchy connectivity patternsFENS Abstr. (2008) 4: 075.14 abstract


3 August 2011