

The FACETS Initial-training-network FACETS-ITN is formed by 14 partners in 6 countries. 11 of the partners are from the FACETS project, two are from industry (ZMD and HONDA-RI) and one is a semi-industrial partner (FHG).

PartnerLegal EntityDepartmentPerson-in-charge
TUGTechnische Universität GrazInstitute for Theoretical Computer ScienceProf. Wolfgang Maass
CNRS-INCMCentre national de la recherche scientifiqueInstitut de Neurosciences Cognitives de la Méditerranée: DyVA TeamDr. Guillaume Masson
CNRS-UNICCentre national de la recherche scientifiqueUnité de Neurosciences Intégratives et ComputationnellesProf. Yves Frégnac
ENSEIRBEcole Nationale Supérieure d'Electro­nique Informatique et Radiocommunications de BordeauxLaboratoire de l'Intégration du Matériau au Système: Engineering of Neuromorphic SystemsProf. Sylvie Renaud
INRIAInstitut National de Recherche en Informatique et en AutomatiqueMathematical and Computational Neuroscience NeuroMathCompProf. Olivier Faugeras
ALUFAlbert-Ludwigs-Universität FreiburgDepartment of Neuro­biology and BiophysicsProf. Ad Aertsen
FHGFraunhofer Institut Zuverlässigkeit und MikrointegrationHigh Density Interconnect & Wafer Level PackagingDr. Oswin Ehrmann
HONDA-RIHonda Research Institute Europe GmbHDr. Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
UHEIRuprecht-Karls-Universität HeidelbergKirchhoff-Institut für Physik: Electronic Vision(s) GroupProf. Karlheinz Meier
TUDTechnische Universität DresdenStiftungslehrstuhl für hochparallele VLSI und NeuromikroelektronikProf. René Schüffny
ZMDZentrum Mikro­elektronik Dresden AGMethodology and Design AutomationDr. Achim Graupner
UDUniversity of DebrecenLaboratory of Cortical Systems NeuroscienceDr. Zoltán Kisvárday
KTHKungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Stockholm, SwedenDept. of Computational Biology at the School of Computer Science and Communication: Laboratory of Computational NeuroscienceProf. Anders Lansner
EPFL-LCNEcole Polytechnique Federale de LausanneLaboratory of Computational NeuroscienceProf. Wulfram Gerstner


17 Jul 2017