Publications of Perrinet

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28 publication entries, 2 of them (printed in bold in the list) acknowledge the project support.
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Book chapter
Conference organisation
Conference contribution: poster

Paper (reviewed)

Barthélemy et al. 2008Barthélemy, F., Perrinet, L., Castet, E. and Masson, G. Dynamics of distributed 1D and 2D motion representations for short-latency ocular followingVision Research (2008) 48(4):501-522 abstract
Davison et al. 2009Davison, A.P., Brüderle, D., Eppler, J., Kremkow, J., Muller, E., Pecevski, D., Perrinet, L. and Yger, P.PyNN: a common interface for neuronal network simulatorsFrontiers in Neuroinformatics (2009) 2:11
Kremkow et al. 2009cKremkow, J., Perrinet, L., Masson, G.S. and Aertsen, A.Functional consequences of correlated excitatory and inhibitory conductancesJournal of Computational Neuroscience (2010) 28(3): 579-594
Montagnini et al. 2007Montagnini, A., Mamassian, P., Perrinet, L.U., Castet, E. and Masson, G.S.Bayesian modelling of dynamic motion integrationJournal of Physiology (Paris) (2007) 101(1-3):64-77
Perrinet and Masson 2007Perrinet, L.U. and Masson, G.S.Modeling spatial integration in the ocular following response using a probabilistic frameworkJournal of Physiology-Paris (2007) 101, 1-3: 46-55 abstract
Voges and Perrinet 2009Voges, N. and Perrinet, L.Phase space analysis of networks based on biologically realistic parameters. Journal of Physiology-Paris (2010) 104(1-2): 51-60

Book chapter

Perrinet 2007Perrinet, L.U.Dynamical Neural Networks: modeling low-level vision at short latencies, pages 163-225In: Topics in Dynamical Neural Networks: From Large Scale Neural Networks to Motor Control and Vision, Volume 142 of The European Physical Journal (Special Topics) March 2007 fulltext

Conference organisation

Perrinet, L. "Neurocomp08"Second french conference on Computational Neuroscience / Deuxième conférence française de Neurosciences Computationnelles,, 8-11 octobre 2008, Marseille, France - Princial organizer

Conference contribution: poster

Kremkow, J., Perrinet, L., Kumar, A., Aertsen, A. and Masson, G.S.Synchronicity in thalamic inputs enhances propagation of activity through cortical layers16th Annual Meeting Computational Neuroscience Society CNS2007
Perrinet, L., Kremkow, F., Barthelemy, F. and Masson, G.S.Input-output transformation in the visuo-oculomotor loop : modeling the ocular following response to centre-surround stimulation in a probabilistic framework6th FENS Meeting Abstract A216.16
Wohrer, A., Masson, G., Perrinet, L., Kornprobst, P. and Vieville, T.Contrast sensitivity adaptation in a virtual spiking retina and its adequation with mammalians retinasEuropean Conference Visual Perception, 2006
Brüderle et al. 2009cBrüderle, D., Kremkow, J., Bauer, A., Perrinet, L.U., Aertsen, A., Masson, G.S., Meier, K. and Schemmel, J.Matching Network Dynamics Generated by a Neuromorphic Hardware System and by a Software SimulatorBernstein Conference on Computational Neurosciences (2009)
Davison 2009Davison, A.P., Yger, P., Kremkow, J., Perrinet, L. and Muller, E. PyNN: Towards a universal neural simulator API in Python.16th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS), Toronto, 2007.
Davison et al. 2007Davison, A.P., Yger, P., Kremkow, J., Perrinet, L. and Muller, E. PyNN: Towards a universal neural simulator API in Python. CNS*2007, Toronto, July 2007.
Davison et al. 2008Davison, A.P., Brüderle, D., Kremkow, J., Muller, E., Pecevski, D., Perrinet, L. and Yger, P.PyNN: a common interface for neuronal network simulators. Neuroinformatics 2008, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2008.
Kremkow et al 2009Kremkow, J., Perrinet, L.U., Monier, C., Frégnac, Y., Masson, G.S. and Aertsen, A.Control of the temporal interplay between excitation and inhibition by the statisitics of visual input.Annual Meeting Computational Neuroscience Society (CNS?O9). 18-23 Juillet 2009, Berlin, Germany. 2009
Kremkow et al. (2008)Kremkow, J., Brizzi, T., Brüderle, D., Davison, A., Muller, E., Perrinet, L., Schmucker, M. and Yger, P. NeuroTools: analysis, visualization and management of real and simulated neuroscience data.Live demo at the INCF booth at Society for Neuroscience 38th annual meeting, Washington, USA 2008
Kremkow et al. 2008Kremkow, J.J., Perrinet, L., Baudot, P., Levy, M., Marre, O., Monier, C., Frégnac, Y., Masson, G.S. and Aertsen, A.Control of the temporal interplay between excitation and inhibition by the statistics of visual input: a V1 network modelling study38th Ann Meeting Soc for Neurosci, Washington DC, USA.(2008)
Kremkow et al. 2008bKremkow, J., Perrinet, L., Aertsen, A. and Masson, G.S.Functional consequences of correlated excitation and inhibition induced by feed-forward inhibitionOral presentation at Neurocomp 2008
Kremkow et al. 2009aKremkow, J., Perrinet, L., Monier, C., Frégnac, Y., Masson, G.S. and Aertsen, A.Control of the temporal interplay between excitation and inhibition by the statistics of visual inputOral presentation at Eighteenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting CNS*2009
Kremkow et al. 2009bKremkow, J., Perrinet, L., Masson, G. S. and Aertsen, A.Functional consequences of correlated excitation and inhibition on single neuron integration and signal propagation through synfire chainsIn Proceedings of the 32th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference
Perrinet 2008Perrinet, L.What adaptive code for efficient spiking representations? A model for the formation of receptive fields of simple cellsProceedings of COSYNE (2008) fulltext
Perrinet and Masson 2008Perrinet, L. and Masson, G.S.Decoding the population dynamics underlying ocular following response using a probabilistic frameworkProceedings of AREADNE (2008) fulltext
Perrinet and Masson 2008bPerrinet, L. and Masson, G.S.Modeling spatial integration in the ocular following response to center-surround stimulation using a probabilistic frameworkProceedings of COSYNE (2008) fulltext
Perrinet and Masson 2009Perrinet, L.U. and Masson, G.S.Decoding the population dynamics underlying ocular following response using a probabilistic frameworkEighteenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (2009) Chicago
Perrinet et al. 2009Perrinet, L., Voges, N., Kremkow, J. and Masson, G.S.SDecoding center-surround interactions in population of neurons for the ocular following responseProceedings of COSYNE Conference (2009)
Voges et al. 2008Voges, N., Kremkow, J. and Perrinet, L.Dynamics of cortical networks based on patchy connectivity patternsFENS Abstr. (2008) 4: 075.14 abstract
Yger et al. 2009bYger, P., Brüderle, D., Eppler, J., Kremkow, J., Pecebski, D., Perrinet, L., Schmucker, M., Muller, E. and Davison, A.NeuralEnsemble: Towards a meta-environment for network modeling and data analysisIn Proceedings of the 32th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference


3 August 2011