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341 publication entries, 14 of them (printed in bold in the list) acknowledge the project support.
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Ali and Thomson 2007Ali, A.B. and Thomson, A.M. Synaptic a5 subunit containing GABAA receptors mediate IPSPs elicited by dendrite-targeting cells in rat neocortex Cerebral Cortex (2008) 18(6):1260-1271
Ali et al. 2007Ali, A.B., Bannister, A.P. and Thomson, A.M. Robust correlations between action potential duration and the properties of synaptic connections in layer 4 interneurones in juvenile and adult neocortical slices.J. Physiol. (2007) 580.1: 149-169
Badel et al. 2008Badel, L., Lefort, S., Brette, R., Petersen, C.C.H., Gerstner, W. and Richardson, M.J.E. Dynamic I-V curves are reliable predictors of naturalistic pyramidal-neuron voltage tracesJournal of Neurophysiology (2008) 99: 656-666 fulltext
Badel et al. 2008bBadel, L., Lefort, S., Berger, T.K., Petersen, C.C.H., Gerstner, W. and Richardson, M.J.E. Extracting non-linear integrate-and-fire models from experimental data using dynamic I-V curvesBiological Cybernetics (2008) 99(4-5): 361-370 abstract, fulltext
Badel et al. 2008cBadel, L., Gerstner, W. and Richardson, M.J.E. Spike-triggered averages for passive and resonant neurons receiving filtered excitatory and inhibitory synaptic drivePhys. Rev. E (2008) 78:011914
abstract, fulltext
Badoual et al. 2006Badoual, M., Zou, Q., Davison, A.P., Rudolph, M., Bal, T., Frégnac, Y. and Destexhe, A.Biophysical and phenomenonological models of multiple spike interactions in spiketiming dependent plasticity.International Journal of Neural Systems (2006) 16: 1-19 abstract, fulltext
Bannister and Thomson 2007Bannister, A.P. and Thomson, A.M.Dynamic properties of excitatory synaptic connections involving layer 4 pyramidal cells in adult rat and cat neocortexCereb Cortex (2007) 17(9):2190-203 abstract, fulltext
Barthélemy et al. 2008Barthélemy, F., Perrinet, L., Castet, E. and Masson, G. Dynamics of distributed 1D and 2D motion representations for short-latency ocular followingVision Research (2008) 48(4):501-522 abstract
Bedard and Destexhe 2009Bedard, C. and Destexhe, A.Macroscopic models of local field potentials the apparent 1/f noise in brain activityBiophysical Journal (2009) 96: 2589-2603 abstract
Bedard and Destexhe, 2008Bedard, C. and Destexhe, A.A modified cable formalism for modeling neuronal membranes at high frequenciesBiophys. J. (2008) 94: 1133-1143 fulltext
Bedard et al. 2006Bedard, C., Kroger, H. and Destexhe, A.Does the 1/f frequency-scaling of brain signals reflect self-organized critical states?Physical Review Letters (2006) 97: 118102 abstract, fulltext
Bill et al. 2010Bill, J., Schuch, K., Brüderle, D., Schemmel, J., Maass, W. and Meier, K.Compensating inhomogeneities of neuromorphic VLSI devices via short-term synaptic plasticityFront. Comput. Neurosci. (2010) 4:129.
abstract, BibTeX
Bremaud et al. 2007Bremaud, A., West, D.C. and Thomson, A.M. Binomial parameters differ across neocortical layers and with different classes of connections in adult rat and cat neocortex. Supporting Material: (2007) 104(35):14134-14139 abstract, fulltext
Bremaud et al. 2008Bremaud, A., West, D.C. and Thomson, A.M.Binomial parameters differ across neocortical layers and with different classes of connections in adult rat and cat neocortexPNAS (2007) 104(35): 14134-14139 abstract, fulltext
Brette et al. 2008Brette, R., Piwkowska, Z., Monier, C., Rudolph-Lilith, M., Fournier, J., Levy, M., Fregnac, Y., Bal, T. and Destexhe, A.High-resolution intracellular recordings using a real-time computational model of the electrode. Neuron (2008) 59: 379-391 fulltext
Brette et al. 2009Brette, R., Piwkowska, Z., Monier, C., Gomez Gonzalez, JF., Fregnac, Y., Bal, T. and Destexhe, A.Dynamic clamp with high resistance electrodes using active electrode compensation in vitro and in vivo. Dynamic-clamp: From Principles to Applications, Edited by Destexhe A and Bal T, Springer, new York (2009). pp. 347-382.
Brüderle et al. 2009Brüderle, D., Müller, E., Davison, A., Muller, E., Schemmel, J. and Meier, K.Establishing a novel modeling tool: A Python-based interface for a neuromorphic hardware systemFront. Neuroinform. (2009) 3:17
abstract, fulltext, BibTeX
Bruederle et al. 2011Brüderle, D., Petrovici, M.A., Vogginger, B., Ehrlich, M., Pfeil, T., Millner, S., Grübl, A., Wendt, K., Müller, E., Schwartz, M.O., de Oliveira, D.H., Jeltsch, S., Fieres, J., Schilling, M., Müller, P., Breitwieser, O., Petkov, V., Muller, L., Davison, A.P., Krishnamurthy, P., Kremkow, J., Lundqvist, M., Muller, E., Partzsch, J., Scholze, S., Zühl, L., Mayr, C., Destexhe, A., Diesmann, M., Potjans, T.C., Lansner, A., Schüffny, R., Schemmel, J. and Meier, K.A comprehensive workflow for general-purpose neural modeling with highly configurable neuromorphic hardware systems.Biol Cybern. (2011) 104(4-5):263-96
fulltext, BibTeX
Buesing et al. 2009Buesing, L., Schrauwen, B., and Legenstein, R. Connectivity, Dynamics, and Memory in Reservoir Computing with Binary and Analog NeuronsNeural Computation (2010) 22(5):1272-1311 abstract, fulltext
Cessac et al. 2009Cessac, B., Paugam-Moisy, H. and Viéville, T.Overview of facts and issues about neural coding by spikesJournal of Physiology-Paris (2010) 104(1-2): 5-18
Cessac et al. 2009bCessac, B., Rostro, H., Vasquez, J.C. and Viéville, T. How Gibbs distributions may naturally arise from synaptic adaptation mechanismsJ. Stat. Phys. (2009) 136 (3):565-602
Chemla and Chavane 2010bChemla, S. and Chavane, F.Voltage-sensitive dye imaging: Technique review and modelsJournal of Physiology-Paris (2010) 104(1-2):40-50
Chemla et al. 2009Chemla, S., Vieville, T. and Chavane, F. Voltage-Sensitive Dye Imaging: Technique review and ModelsJ Physiol Paris. (2010) 104(1-2):40-50
abstract, fulltext
Clopath et al. 2007Clopath, C., Jolivet, R., Rauch, A., Lüscher, H.-R. and Gerstner, W.Predicting neuronal activity with simple models of the threshold type: Adaptive Exponential Integrate-and-Fire model with two compartments Neurocomputing (2007) 70(10-12): 1668-1673 abstract
Clopath et al. 2008Clopath, C., Ziegler, L., Vasilaki, E., Buesing, L. and Gerstner, W. Tag-Trigger-Consolidation: A model of early and late long-term potentation and depressionPLoS Comput Biol (2008) 4(12):e1000248
abstract, fulltext
Clopath et al. 2008cClopath, C., Jolivet, R., Rauch, A., Lüscher, H.-R. and Gerstner, W.Predicting neuronal activity with simple models of the threshold type: Adaptive Exponential Integrate-and-Fire model with two compartmentsNeurocomputing (2007) 70(10-12):1668-1673 abstract, fulltext
Clopath et al. 2009Clopath, C., Büsing, L., Vasilaki, E. and Gerstner, W.Connectivity reflects coding: a model of voltage-based spike-timing-dependent plasticity with homeostasisNature Neuroscience (2010) 13: 344?352
Coath et al , 2008Coath, M., Balaguer-Ballester, E., Denham, S.L. and Denham, M.The linearity of emergent spectro-temporal receptive fields in a model of auditory cortex.Biosystems. (2008) 94(1-2):60-67
Davison et al. 2009cDavison, A.P., Hines, M. and Muller, E Trends in programming languages for neuroscience simulations.Frontiers in Neuroscience (2009) 3:3
De Schutter et al. 2005De Schutter, E., Ekeberg, Ö., Hellgren Kotaleski, J., Achard, P. and Lansner, A.Biophysically detalied modelling of microcircuits and beyondTrends Neurosci (2005) 28: 562-569
Destexhe 2009Destexhe, A. Self-sustained asynchronous irregular states and Up/Down states in thalamic, cortical and thalamocortical networks of nonlinear integrate-and-fire neurons. J. Computational Neurosci. (2009) 27(3):493-506
abstract, fulltext
Destexhe et al. 2007Destexhe, A., Hughes, S.W., Rudolph, M. and Crunelli, V.Are corticothalamic `up' states fragments of wakefulness? Trends in Neurosciences (2007) 30: 334-342 fulltext
Dimova and Denham 2009Dimova, K. and Denham, M.A neurally plausible model of the dynamics of motion integration in smooth eye pursuit based on recursive Bayesian estimation.Biol Cybern. (2009) 100(3):185-201 abstract, fulltext
Dimova and Denham 2010Dimova, K. and Denham, M.J.A model of plaid motion perception based on recursive Bayesian integration of the 1-D and 2-D motions of plaid features.Vision Research (2010) 50 (p): 585-597
Djurfeldt et al. 2008Djurfeldt, M., Lundqvist, M., Johansson, C., Rehn, M., Ekeberg, Ö. and Lansner, A. Brain-scale simulation of the neocortex on the Blue Gene/L supercomputerIBM J Research and Development (2008) 52: 31-42 abstract, fulltext
Ego-Stengel et al. 2005Ego-Stengel, V., Mello e Souza, T., Jacob, V. and Shulz, D.E. Spatiotemporal characteristics of neuronal sensory integration in the barrel cortex of the ratJ Neurophysiol (2005) 93:1450-1467
El Boustani and Destexhe 2008El Boustani, S. and Destexhe, A.A master equation formalism for macroscopic modeling of asynchronous irregular activity states.Neural Computation (2009) 21: 46-100 abstract, fulltext
El Boustani and Destexhe 2010El Boustani, S. and Destexhe, A.Brain dynamics at multiple scales: can one reconcile the apparent low-dimensional chaos of macroscopic variables with the seemingly stochastic behavior of single neurons?International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (2010) 20(6): 1687-1702
El Boustani et al. 2009El Boustani, S., Marre, O., Behuret, S., Baudot, P., Yger, P., Bal, T., Destexhe, A. and Fregnac, Y.Network-State Modulation of Power-Law Frequency-Scaling in Visual Cortical NeuronsPLoS Comput Biol (2009) 5(9): e1000519
El Boustani et al., 2007El Boustani, S., Pospischil, M., Rudolph-Lilith, M. and Destexhe, A.Activated cortical states: experiments, analyses and modelsJournal of Physiology (2007) 101: 99-109
Eppler et al. 2009Eppler, J.M., Helias, M., Muller, E., Diesmann, M. and Gewaltig, M.-O.PyNEST: a convenient interface to the NEST simulatorFrontiers in Neuroinformatics (2009) 2:12
abstract, fulltext
Franke et al. 2009Franke, F., Natora, M., Boucsein, C., Munk, M.H. and Obermayer, K.An online spike detection and spike classification algorithm capable of instantaneous resolution of overlapping spikesJ Comput Neurosci (2009)
Frégnac 2009Fregnac, Y., Baudot, P., Chavane, F., Marre, O., Monier, C., Pananceau, M. and Sadoc, G.Multiscale functional imaging: reconstructing network dynamics from the synaptic echoes recorded in a single visual cortex neuron.Bull Acad Natl Med. (2009) 193(4): 851-862. abstract
Frégnac et al. 2010Frégnac, Y., Baudot, P., Chavane, F., Lorenceau, J., Marre, O., Monier, C., Pananceau, M., Carelli, P. and Sadoc, G. Multiscale functional imaging in V1 and cortical correlates of apparent motion. Dynamics of visual motion processing, Editors (G. Masson and U. Ilg), Springer.(2010) pp. 73-94.
Fuentealba et al. 2008Fuentealba, P., Begum, R., Capogna, M., Jinno, S., Márton, L.F., Csicsvari, J., Thomson, A.M., Somogyi, P. and Klausberger, T.Ivy Cells: A population of nitric-oxide-producing, slow-spiking GABAergic neurons and their involvement in hippocampal network activityNeuron (2008) 57: 917-29 abstract
Gleeson et al. 2010Gleeson, P., Crook, S., Cannon, R.C., Hines, M.L., Billings, G.O., Farinella, M., Morse, T.M., Davison, A.P., Ray, S., Bhalla, U.S., Barnes, S.R., Dimitrova, Y.D. and Silver, R.A.NeuroML: A language for describing data driven models of neurons and networks with a high degree of biological detail.PLoS Comput Biol (2010) 6(6): e1000815
Gretton et al. 2008Gretton, A., Borgwardt, K.M., Rasch, M., Scholkopf, B. and Smola, A.J.A Kernel Method for the two-sample-problemJournal of Machine Learning Research (2008) : 1-10 fulltext
Häusler and Maass 2007Häusler, S. and Maass, W.A statistical analysis of information processing properties of lamina-specific cortical microcircuit modelsCerebral Cortex (2007) 17(1):149-162 fulltext
Haeusler et al. 2007Haeusler, S. and Maass, W. A statistical analysis of information processing properties of lamina-specific cortical microcircuit modelsCerebral Cortex (2007) 17(1):149-162 fulltext
Haeusler et al. 2008Haeusler, S., Schuch, K. and Maass, W.Motif distribution, dynamical properties, and computational performance of two data-based cortical microcircuit templates.J. of Physiology (2009) 103(1-2):73-87 abstract
Helias et al. 2008Helias, M., Rotter, S., Gewaltig, M. and Diesmann, M.Structural plasticity controlled by calcium based correlation detection Front. Comput. Neurosci. (2008) 2:7. abstract
Hines et al. 2009Hines, M., Davison, A.P. and Muller, E.NEURON and PythonFrontiers in Neuroinformatics (2009) 3:1
abstract, fulltext
Hoffart et al. 2009Hoffart, L., Conrath, J., Matonti, F., Wotawa, N., Chavane, F., Ridings, B. and Masson, G.S.A 3T fMRI study of cortical projection of visual scotomas: preliminary results[Article in French] J Fr Ophtalmol. (2009) 32(1):41-9 abstract
Hoffart et al. 2010Hoffart, L., Matonti, F., Conrath, J., Ridings, B., Masson, G.S., Chavane, F.Inhibition of corneal neovascularization after alkali burn: comparison of different doses of bevacizumab in monotherapy or associated with dexamethasoneClinical & Experimental Ophthalmology (2010) 38(4):346?352
Holzmann and Hausser 2009Holzmann, G. and Hauser, HEcho State Networks with Filter Neurons and a Delay & Sum ReadoutNeural Networks (201) 23(2): 244-256
Indiveri et al.Indiveri, G., Linares-Barranco, B., Hamilton, T. J., van Schaik, A., Etienne-Cummings, R., Delbruck, T., Liu, S.-C., Dudek, P., Häfliger, P., Renaud, S., Schemmel, J., Cauwenberghs, G., Arthur, J., Hynna, K., Folowosele, F., Saïghi, S., Serrano-Gotarredona, T., Wijekoon, J., Wang, Y. and Boahen, K. Neuromorphic silicon neuron circuitsFront. Neurosci. (2011) 5:73
fulltext, BibTeX
Jacob et al. 2007Jacob, V., Brasier, D.J., Erchova, I., Feldman, D. and Shulz, D.E.Spike Timing-Dependent Synaptic Depression in the In Vivo Barrel Cortex of the RatThe Journal of Neuroscience (2007) 27: 1271-1284
Jacob et al., 2008Jacob, V., Le Cam, J., Ego-Stengel, V. and Shulz, D.E.Emergent Properties of Tactile Scenes Selectively Activate Barrel Cortex NeuronsNeuron (2008) 60:1112-1125
Johansson and Lansner 2006bJohansson, C. and Lansner, A.Imposing biological constraints onto an abstract neocortical attractor network modelNeural Computation. (2007) 19:1871-1896 abstract
Johansson and Lansner 2007Johansson, C. and Lansner, A.Imposing Biological Constraints onto an Abstract Neocortical Attractor Network ModelNeural Computation (2007) 19(7): 1871-1896
Johansson and Lansner 2007bJohansson, C. and Lansner, A.Towards Cortex Sized Artificial Neural SystemsNeural Networks (2007) 20: 48-61
Johansson and Lansner 2008Johansson, C. and Lansner, A.Implementing plastic weights in neural networks using low precision arithmetic. Neurocomputing (2009) 72(4-6): 968-972
Johansson and Lansner 2009Johansson, C. and Lansner, A.Implementing plastic weights in neural networks using low precision arithmetic.Neurocomputing (2009) 72: 968-972 abstract
Johansson et al. 2006Johansson, C., Ekeberg, Ö. and Lansner, A.Clustering of stored memories in an attractor network with local competitionInt. J. Neural Systems (2006) 16: 393-403
Jolivet et al. 2006Jolivet, R., Rauch, A., Lüscher, H.-R. and Gerstner, W.Predicting spike timing of neocortical pyramidal neurons by simple threshold modelsJournal of Computational Neuroscience (2006) 21:35-49 fulltext
Jolivet et al. 2008Jolivet, R., Kobayashi, R., Rauch, A., Naud, R., Shinomoto, S. and Gerstner, W.A benchmark test for a quantitative assessment of simple neuron modelsJournal of Neuroscience Methods (2008) 169: 417-424 fulltext
Jolivet et al. 2008aJolivet, R., Schürmann, F., Berger, T.K., Gerstner, W. and Roth, A.The Quantitative Single-Neuron Modeling CompetitionBiological Cybernetics archive (2008) 99 (4-5): 417-426 abstract
Kriener et al. 2009Kriener, B., Helias, M., Aertsen, A. and Rotter, S. Correlations in spiking neuronal networks with distance dependent connections.J Comput Neurosci (2009) 27: 177-200
abstract, fulltext
Kumar et al. 2008aKumar, A., Schrader, S., Aertsen, A. and Rotter, S.The high-conductance state of cortical networksNeural Computation (2008) 20: 1-43 abstract
Le Be and Markram 2006Le Be, J.V. and Markram, H.Spontaneous and evoked synaptic rewiring in the neonatal neocortexProc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (2006) 103(35):13214-13219
Long et al. 2009Long, P., Mercer, A., Begum, R., Stephens, G.J., Sihra, T.S. and Jovanovic JNNerve Terminal GABAA Receptors Activate Ca2+/Calmodulin-dependent Signaling to Inhibit Voltage-gated Ca2+ Influx and Glutamate ReleaseThe Journal of Biological Chemistry (2009) 284:8726-8737
Lundqvist et al. 2005Lundqvist, M., Rehn, M. and Lansner, A.Attractor dynamics in a modular network model of the cerebral cortexNeurocomputing (2005) 69: 1155-1159
Lundqvist et al. 2006Lundqvist, M., Rehn, M., Djurfeldt, M. and Lansner, A.Attractor dynamics in a modular network model of the neocortexNetwork Computation in Neural Systems (2006) 17: 253-276
Maass et al. 2006Maass, W., Joshi, P. and Sontag, E.D.Principles of real-time computing with feedback applied to cortical microcircuit modelsAdvances in Neural Information Processing Systems (MIT Press) (2006) 18:835-842. abstract, fulltext
Maass et al. 2007Maass, W., Joshi, P. and Sontag, E. D.Computational aspects of feedback in neural circuitsPLOS Computational Biology (2007) 3(1):e165, 1-20 fulltext
Marre et al. 2009bMarre, O., El Boustani, S., Frégnac, Y. and Destexhe, A.Prediction of spatio-temporal patterns of neural activity from pairwise correlations.Physical Review Letters (2009) 102(13):138101 abstract
Mayr et al. 2007bMayr, C., Heittmann, A. and Schüffny, R.Gabor-like Image Filtering Using a Neural MicrocircuitIEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (2007) 18(3): 955-959
abstract, BibTeX
Mayr et al. 2009Mayr, C. and Partzsch, J. and Schüffny, R.Transient responses of activity-dependent synapses to modulated pulse trains Neurocomputing (2009) 73(1-3): 99-105
abstract, BibTeX
Mayr et al. 2009bMayr, C. and Partzsch, J. and Schüffny, R.On the Relation Between Bursts and Dynamic Synapse Properties: a Modulation-based AnsatzComputational Intelligence and Neuroscience (2009) :ID 658474
fulltext, BibTeX
Mercer et al. 2007Mercer, A., Bannister, A.P. and Thomson, A.M.Electrical coupling between pyramidal cells in adult cortical regions.Brain Cell Biology (2007) 35 (1): 13-27 abstract
Migliore et al. 2006Migliore, M., Cannia, C., Lytton, W.W., Markram, H. and Hines, M.L.Parallel network simulations with NEURONJ Comput Neurosci. (2006) 21(2):119-129 fulltext
Montemurro et al. 2008Montemurro, M.A., Rasch, M.J., Murayama, Y., Logothetis, N.K. and Panzeri, S.Phase-of-firing coding of natural visual stimuli in primary visual cortexCurr Biol. (2008) Mar 11;18(5):375-80
Morrison et al. 2007bMorrison, A., Straube, S., Plesser, H.E. and Diesmann, M.Exact subthreshold integration with continuous spike times in discrete time neural network simulationsNeural Computation (2007) 19: 47-79
Moser et al. 2010Moser, E.I., Corbetta, M., Desimone, R., Frégnac, Y., Fries, P., Graybiel, A.M., Haynes, J-D., Itti, L., Melloni, L., Monyer, H., Singer, W., Von der Malsburg, C. and Wilson, M.A. Coordination in the brain« Dynamic Coordination in the Brain: From Neurons to Mind », Strüngmann Forum Report, vol. 5. (Eds. Von der Malsburg, C., W. A. Phillips, and W. Singer). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (2010) pp. 193-214.
Naud et al. 2008Naud, R., Marcille, N., Clopath, C. and Wulfram, G.Firing patterns in the adaptive exponential integrate-and-fireBiological Cybernetics (2009) vol. 99, num. 4-5: 335-347 abstract, fulltext
Nawrot et al. 2007bNawrot, M.P., Boucsein, C., Rodriguez-Molina, V., Riehle, A., Aertsen, A., Rotter, S.Measurement of variability dynamics in cortical spike trains.Journal of Neuroscience Methods (2008) 169(2): 374-390 fulltext
Nawrot et al. 2008Nawrot, M.P., Boucsein, C., Rodriguez-Molina, V., Riehle, A., Aertsen, A. and Rotter, S.Measurement of variability dynamics in cortical spike trainsJ Neurosci Meth (2008) 169: 374-390 fulltext
Nawrot et al. 2009Nawrot, M.P., Schnepel, P., Aertsen, A. and Boucsein, C.Precisely timed signal transmission in neocortical networks with reliable intermediate-range projectionsFrontiers in Neural Circuits (2009) 3 (1): 1-11
Nikolic et al. 2007Nikolic, D., Haeusler, S., Singer, W. and Maass, W.Temporal dynamics of information content carried by neurons in the primary visual cortexAdvances in Neural Information Processing Systems (2007) 19:1041-1048. MIT Press
Nikolic et al. 2010Nikolic, D., Haeusler, S., Singer, W. and Maass, W.Distributed Fading Memory for Stimulus Properties in the Primary Visual CortexPLoS Biol (2009) 7(12): e1000260
Partzsch et al. 2007Partzsch, J. and Mayr, C. and Schüffny, R.Building Gabor Filters from Retinal ResponsesInternational Journal of Biomedical Sciences (2007) 2(2): 119-124 fulltext, BibTeX
Pecevski et al. 2009Pecevski, D., Natschläger, T. and Schuch, K. PCSIM: a parallel simulation environment for neural circuits fully integrated with Python Frontiers in Neuroinformatics (2009) 3:11 fulltext
Piwkowska et al. 2005Piwkowska, Z., Rudolph, M., Badoual, M., Destexhe, A. and Bal, T.Re-creating active states in vitro with a dynamic clamp protocolNeurocomputing (2005) 65-66: 55-60 abstract, fulltext
Plesser and Diesmann 2009Plesser, H.E. and Diesmann, M.Simplicity and efficiency of integrate-and-fire neuron modelsNeural Computation (2009) 21: 353-359 abstract
Pospischil et al. 2007Pospischil, M., Piwkowska, Z., Rudolph, M., Bal, T. and Destexhe, A.Calculating event-triggered average synaptic conductances from the membrane potentialJournal of Neurophysiology (2007) 97: 2544-2552 abstract, fulltext
Pospischil et al. 2008Pospischil, M., Monier, C., Frégnac, Y., Markram, H. and Destexhe, A.Minimal Hodgkin-Huxley type models for different classes of cortical and thalamic neuronsBiol Cybern. (2008) 99(4-5): 427-41 abstract
Pospischil et al. 2009Pospischil, M., Piwkowska, Z., Bal, T. and Destexhe, A.Extracting synaptic conductances from single membrane potential tracesNeuroscience (2009) 158: 545-552 fulltext
Rasch et al. 2008Rasch, M.J.,Gretton, A., Murayama, Y., Maass, W. and Logothetis, N.K. Inferring spike trains from local field potentialsJournal of Neurophysiology (2008) 99:1461-1476 fulltext
Renaud et al. 2010Renaud, S., Tomas, T., Lewis, N., Bornat, Y., Daouzli, A., Rudolph, M., Destexhe, A., Saïghi, S.PAX: A mixed hardware/software simulation platform for spiking neural networksNeural Networks (2010) 23(7): 905-16
Rochefort 2009Rochefort, N.L., Buzás, P., Quenech'du, N., Koza, A., Eysel, U.T., Milleret, C. and Kisvárday, Z.F. Functional Selectivity of Interhemispheric Connections in Cat Visual CortexCerebral Cortex (2009) 19(10):2451-2465
Rochefort et al. 2007Rochefort, N.L., Buzás, P., Kisvárday, Z.F., Eysel, U.T. and Milleret, C.Layout of transcallosal activity in cat visual cortex revealed by optical imagingNeuroImage (2007) 36: 804-821 fulltext
Rodriguez-Molina et al. 2007Rodriguez-Molina, V.M., Aertsen, A. and Heck, D.Spike Timing and Reliability in Cortical Pyramidal Neurons: Effects of EPSC Kinetics, Input Synchronization and Background Noise on Spike TimingPLoS ONE. (2007) 2(3): e319. abstract, fulltext
Rudolph and Destexhe 2006Rudolph, M. and Destexhe, A.Integrate-and-fire neurons with high-conductance state dynamics for event-driven simulation strategiesNeural Computation (2006) 18: 2146-2210 abstract, fulltext
Rudolph and Destexhe 2006bRudolph, M. and Destexhe, A.On the use of analytic expressions for the voltage distribution to analyze intracellular recordingsNeural Computation (2006) 18: 2917-2922 abstract, fulltext
Rudolph et al. 2007Rudolph, M., Pospischil, M., Timofeev, I. and Destexhe, A.Inhibition Determines Membrane Potential Dynamics and Controls Action Potential Generation in Awake and Sleeping Cat CortexThe Journal of Neuroscience (2007) 27(20): 5280-5290 abstract
Sandström et al. 2009Sandström, M., Lansner, A., Hellgren Kotaleski, J. and Rospars, J.-P.Modeling the response of a population of olfactory receptor neurons to an odorant." doi: 10.1007/s10827-009-0147-5J Comput Neurosci (2009) abstract, fulltext
Schemmel et al. 2008aSchemmel, J., Fieres, J. and Meier, K.Realizing Biological Spiking Network Models in a Configurable Wafer-Scale Hardware System IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN (2008) : 969-976
abstract, BibTeX
Schemmel et al. 2008bSchemmel, J., Fieres, J. and Meier, K.Wafer-Scale Integration of Analog Neural Networks IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN (2008) : 431-438
fulltext, BibTeX
Schrader et al. 2008Schrader, S., Gruen, S., Diesmann, M., Gerstein, G.Detecting synfire chain activity using massively parallel spike train recordingsJ Neurophysiol (2008) 100: 2165-2176 abstract
Schrauwen et al. 2008Schrauwen, B., Büsing, L. and Legenstein, R.On computational power and the order-chaos phase transition in reservoir computingIn Proc. of NIPS 2008: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, volume 21. MIT Press, 2009 fulltext
Shulz 2010Shulz, D.E. and Jacob, V.Spike timing dependent plasticity in the intact brain: counteracting spurious spike coincidences. Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience (2010) 2:137.
Silberberg and Markram 2007Silberberg, G. and Markram, H.Disynaptic Inhibition between Neocortical Pyramidal Cells Mediated by Martinotti CellsNeuron (2007) 53(5): 735-746 abstract
Stepanyants et al. 2007Stepanyants, A., Hirsch, J.A., Martinez, L.M., Kisvárday, Z.F., Ferecskó, A.S. and Chklovskii, D.B. Local Potential Connectivity in Cat Primary Visual CortexCerebral Cortex (2008) 18(1): 13-28 abstract
Thomson and Lamy 2007Thomson, A.M. and Lamy, C.Functional maps of neocortical local circuitryFrontiers in Neuroscience (2007) 1 (1): 19-42 fulltext
Toyoizumi et al. 2007Toyoizumi, T., Pfister, J.-P., Aihara, K. and Gerstner, W.Optimality Model of Unsupervised Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity: Synaptic Memory and Weight DistributionNeural Computation (2007) 19: 639-671 abstract
Uchizawa et al. 2006bUchizawa, K., Douglas, R. and Maass, W.On the computational power of threshold circuits with sparse activityNeural Computation (2006) 18(12): 2994-3008 abstract, fulltext
Wang et al. 2006Wang, Y., Markram, H., Goodman, P.H., Berger, T.K., Ma, J. and Goldman-Rakic, P.S.Heterogeneity in the pyramidal network of the medial prefrontal cortexNature Neuroscience (2006) 9(4):534-542 abstract
Winograd et al. 2008Winograd, M., Destexhe, A. and Sanchez-Vives, M.V.Hyperpolarization-activated graded persistent activity in the prefrontal cortex.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2008) 105: 7298-7303 fulltext
Wohrer and Kornprobst 2008Wohrer, A. and Kornprobst, P.Virtual Retina : A biological retina model and simulator, with contrast gain controlJ Comput Neurosci. (2009) Apr;26(2):219-49 abstract, fulltext
Wohrer et al. 2007Wohrer, A., Kornprobst ,P. and Vieville, T.Virtual Retina: a biological retina model and simulator, with contrast gain controlINRIA Research Report 6243 abstract, fulltext
Wolfart et al. 2005Wolfart, J., Debay, D., Le Masson, G., Destexhe, A. and Bal, T.Synaptic background activity controls spike transfer from thalamus to cortexNature Neuroscience (2005) 8:1760-1767 abstract, fulltext
Yousif and Denham 2007Yousif, N. and Denham, M.The role of cortical feedback in the generation of the temporal receptive field responses of lateral geniculate nucleus neurons: a computational modelling study.Biol Cybern. (2007) 97(4):269-77
abstract, fulltext
Zou and Destexhe 2007Zou, Q. and Destexhe, A.Kinetic models of spike-timing dependent plasticity and their functional consequences in detecting correlationsBiological Cybernetics (2007) 97: 81-97 abstract
Zou et al. 2006Zou, Q., Bornat, Y., Saighi, S., Tomas, J., Renaud, S. and Destexhe, A.Analog-digital simulations of full conductance-based networks of spiking neurons with spike timing dependent plasticity.Network: Computation in Neural Systems (2006) 17(3): 211-233 abstract, fulltext
Zou et al. 2006aZou, Q., Bornat, Y., Tomas, J., Renaud, S. and Destexhe, A.Real-time simulations of networks of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons using analog circuitsNeurocomputing (2006) 69: 1137-1140 abstract, fulltext


Ascoli et al. 2008Ascoli, G.A., Alonso-Nanclares, L., Anderson, S.A., Barrionuevo, G., Benavides-Piccione, R., Burkhalter, A., Buzsaki, G., Cauli, B., DeFelipe, J., Fairén, A., Feldmeyer, D., Fishell, G., Fregnac, Y., Freund, T.F., Karube, F., Gardner, D., Gardner, E.P., Goldberg, J.H., Helmstaedter, M., Hestrin, S., Kisvarday, Z., Lambolez, B., Lewis, D., Marin, O., Markram, H., Muñoz, A., Packer, A., Petersen, C., Rockland, K., Rossier, J., Rudy, B., Somogyi, P., Staiger, J.F., Tamas, G., Thomson, A.M., Toledo-Rodriguez, M., Wang, Y., West, D.C. and Yuste, R.Petilla Terminology: Nomenclature of features of GABAergic interneurons of the cerebral cortexNature Reviews Neuroscience (2008) 9: 557-568 abstract
Brette et al. 2007bBrette, R., Rudolph, M., Carnevale, T., Hines, M., Beeman, D., Bower, J.M., Diesmann, M., Morrison, A., Goodman, P.H., Harris Jr., F.C., Zirpe, M., Natschläger, T., Pecevski, D., Ermentrout, B., Djurfeldt, M., Lansner, A., Rochel, O., Vieville, T., Muller, E., Davison, A.P., El Boustani, S., and Destexhe, A.Simulation of networks of spiking neurons: a review of tools and strategiesJournal of Computational Neuroscience (2007) 23(3):349-98 abstract, fulltext
Destexhe and Contreras 2006Destexhe, A. and Contreras, D.Neuronal computations with stochastic network statesScience (2006) 314: 85-90 abstract, fulltext
Piwkowska et al. 2008Piwkowska, Z., Pospischil, M., Brette, R., Sliwa, J., Rudolph-Lilith, M., Bal, T. and Destexhe, A.Characterizing synaptic conductance fluctuations in cortical neurons and their influence on spike generationJ. Neurosci. Methods (2008) 169: 302-322 abstract
Thomson 2010Thomson, A.M.Neocortical Layer 6, a reviewFrontiers in Neuroanatomy (2010) 4:13
Thomson and Jovanovic 2010Thomson, A. M. and Jovanovic, J. N.Mechanisms underlying synapse-specific clustering of GABAA receptorsEuropean Journal of Neuroscience (2010) 31: 2193-2203
Thomson and Lamy 2008Thomson, A.M. and Lamy, C.Functional maps of neocortical local circuitryFrontiers in Neuroscience (2008) 1: 19-42 fulltext


Destexhe and Bal 2009Destexhe, A. and Bal, T.Dynamic-Clamp: From Principles to ApplicationsEditors of the book. Springer (2009) Series in Computational Neuroscience , Vol. 1, ISBN: 978-0-387-89278-8 abstract
Partzsch 2008Partzsch, J. Simulation pulsender neuronaler Netze mit neuromorpher HardwareVDM Verlag Dr. Müller, ISBN 978-3-639-04323-5 abstract

Book chapter

Brette 2009Brette, R., Piwkowska, Z., Monier, C., Gomez, J., Frégnac, Y., Bal, T. and Destexhe, A.Dynamic clamp with high resistance electrodes using active electrode compensation in vitro and in vivoDynamic Clamp. From Principles to Applications. A. Destexhe and T. Bal editors. Springer. (2009) P. 347-382 abstract
Destexhe 2007Destexhe, A. Sleep OscillationsIn: The New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Edited by Squire, L., Albright, T., Bloom, F., Gage, F. and Spitzer, N. Elsevier, Amsterdam (2008): 1027-1034 abstract
Destexhe 2008Destexhe, A.Cortico-thalamic feedback: a key to explain absence seizures? In: Computational Neuroscience in Epilepsy, Edited by Soltesz, I. and Staley, K., Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 184-214 (2008). fulltext
Destexhe and Huguenard 2007Destexhe, A. and Huguenard, J.R. Modeling voltage-dependent channelsIn: Computational Modeling Methods for Neuroscientists, Edited by DeSchutter, E., MIT Press, Cambridge, USA (2009): 107-138 abstract
Destexhe and Rudolph-Lilith 2008Destexhe, A. and Rudolph-Lilith, M.Synaptic "noise": Experiments, computational consequences and methods to analyze experimental dataIn: Stochastic Processes in Neuroscience, Edited by Lord, G. and Laing, C., Oxford University Press, Oxford UK (2009). abstract
Destexhe and Sejnowski 2008Destexhe, A. and Sejnowski, T.J. Control of sleep and sleep states: Thalamic regulation of sleep.In: The New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Edited by Squire, L., Albright, T., Bloom, F., Gage, F. and Spitzer, N. Elsevier, Amsterdam (2008) abstract
Frégnac et al. 2006Frégnac, Y., Rudolph, M., Davison, A. and Destexhe, A.Complexity and level hierarchy in Neural networksIn «Biological networks», Editor : F. Képès, In «Complex systems and interdisciplinary Science», World Scientific Series (2006) pp. 1-38
Frégnac et al. 2006bFrégnac, Y., Blatow, M., Changeux, J.P., DeFelipe, J., Lansner, A., Maass, W., Markram, H., McCormick, D., Michel, C.M., Monyer, H., Szathmáry, E. and Yuste, R.Ups and Downs in the genesis of cortical computationIn: "Microcircuits: The Interface between Neurons and Global Brain Function Microcircuits: Dahlem Workshop Report 93". (Eds. Grillner, S. e. a.) Cambridge, USA: The MIT Press, (2006) pp. 397-437 fulltext
Fregnac et al. 2008Fregnac, Y., Rudolph, M., Davison, A.P. and Destexhe, A. Complexity in neuronal networks. In: Biological Networks, Edited by Kepes, F., World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 291-340, 2007
Jancke et al. 2009Jancke, D., Chavane, F. and Grinvald, A.Stimulus localization by neuronal populations within early visual cortex - Linking perception to the underlying functional architecture In: Dynamics of visual motion processing. Eds: Ilg, U.J. and Masson, G.S. Springer Verlag (2009)
Lansner et al. 2008Lansner, A., Benjaminsson, S. and Johansson, C.From ANN to biomimetic information processingIn "Biologically inspired signal processing for chemical sensing" (2008) Gutierrez A. and Marco S. (eds.), Studies in Computational Intelligence series, Springer.
Lansner et al. 2009Lansner, A., Benjaminsson, S. and Johansson, C.From ANN to biomimetic information processingBiologically Inspired Signal Processing for Chemical Sensing. S. G. Marco, Agustín, Ed, Springer. (2009) 188: 37-50. abstract
Lévi et al. 2008Lévi, T., Lewis, N., Saïghi, S., Tomas, J., Bornat, Y. and Renaud, S.Neuromimetic Integrated CircuitsIn: VLSI Circuits for Biomedical Applications, Edited by Iniewski, K., Artech House, Boston, pp. 241-264, 2008
Mehta et al. 2010Mehta, M., Buzsáki, G., Kreiter, A., Lansner, A., Lücke, J., Martin, K. A. C., Moghaddam, B., Moser, M.-B., Nikolic, D. and Sejnowski, T. J.Coordination in CircuitsDynamic Coordination in the Brain: From Neurons to Mind. C. von der Malsburg, W. A. Phillips and W. Singer, Eds. Cambridge, MIT Press. (2010) 5:133-148
Piwkowska 2009 reviewPiwkowska, Z., Destexhe, A. and Bal, T.Associating living cells and computational models: from basics to present applications of the dynamic-clampDynamic Clamp. From Principles to Applications. A. Destexhe and T. Bal editors. Springer. New York. (2009) P. 1-30 abstract
Piwkowska et al. 2009Piwkowska, Z., Pospischil, M., Rudolph-Lilith, M., Bal, T. and Destexhe, A.Testing methods for synaptic conductance analysis using controlled conductance injection with dynamic clamp. Dynamic Clamp. From Principles to ApplicationsA. Destexhe and T. Bal editors. Springer. New York. (2009) P. 115-140 abstract
Plesser et al. 2007Plesser, H.E., Eppler, J.M., Morrison, A., Diesmann, M. and Gewaltig, M.-O.Efficient parallel simulation of large-scale neuronal networks on clusters of multiprocessor computersIn: Proc 13th International Euro-Par Conference, LCNS (2007) Vol. 4641 p. 672-681. Springer
Sadoc et al. 2009Sadoc, G., Le Masson, G., Foutry, B., Le Franc, Y., Piwkowska, Z., Destexhe, A. and Bal, T.Recreating in vivo like activity and investigating the signal transfer capabilities of neurons: Dynamic-clamp applications using real-time NEURONDynamic-clamp: From Principles to Applications, Edited by Destexhe A and Bal T, Springer, New York,(2009). P. 287-320 abstract
Shulz and Frégnac 2010Shulz, D.E. and Frégnac, Y. From sensation to perceptionGF Koob, M Le Moal and RF Thompson (Eds). Encyclopedia of Behavioural Neuroscience. Elsevier. (2010) Vol 1: 550-558.

Conference organisation

Destexhe, A."Computation and Neural Systems"Annual (CNS2006) conference, Edinburgh, UK. Vice-President of the organizing commitee
Destexhe, A."Computation and Neural Systems"Annual (CNS2007) conference, Toronto, Vice-President of the organizing commitee
Destexhe, A."Modeling the Brain Labyrinth"International Conference, Heraklion, Greece (2006) Co-organizer

Conference contribution: poster

Berger, T.K., Wang, Y. and Markram H.Microcircuitry of Layer 6 Somatosensory Cortex, Joint Forum of European Neuroscience(FENS) 2006, Vienna, July 2006
Bernhard, F. and Keriven, R.Spiking neurons on GPUsInternational Conference on Computational Science. Readings, UK, May 2006
Bornat, Y., Renaud, S., Tomas, J., Zou, Q. and Destexhe, A.An Analog/Digital Simulation System for Biomimetic Neural NetworksEPFL Latsis Symposium 2006, Dynamical principles for neuroscience and intelligent biomimetic devices, Lausanne (Switzerland), March 8-10 2006
Brette, R., Rudolph, M., Piwkowska, Z., Bal, T. and Destexhe, A.How to emulate doubleelectrode recordings with a single-electrode? A new method of active electrode compensationA new method of active electrode compensation.
Chariot, A., Keriven, R. and Brette, R.Simulation rapide de modèles de neurones impulsionnels sur carte graphiqueposter at NeuroComp06
Clopath, C.Predicting Neuronal Activity with Simple Models of the Threshold TypeEPFL LATSIS symposium - Dynamical principles for neuroscience and intelligent biomimetic devices (March 8-10 2006, Lausanne) Poster
Clopath, C.Predicting Neuronal Activity with Simple Models of the Threshold Type:Adaptive Exponential Integrate-and-Fire Model with Two CompartmentsCNS 2006 in Edinburgh, July 16-20; Poster
Davison, A., Yger, P., Frégnac, Y., Chan, J. and Newell, F.A combined pyschophysical--modelling investigation of the mechanisms of tactile picture perceptionFifteenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting CNS*2006
Denham, M.Computational theories for the cortical microcircuitTalk at CNS 2006 Workshop on Cortical Microcircuits.
Destexhe, A.Advanced Biomathematics of Sleep and Wake EEGUniversity of Brussels, Belgium, 2006 (invited speaker)
Destexhe, A.Extracting timing information about network activity through conductance analysisBeing on Time: Temporal Views on Neuronal Coding, Jerusalem, Israel, 2007 (invited speaker)
Destexhe, A.Inferring network activity through intracellular recordings of single neocortical neurons in vivo10th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston University, USA, 2006 (invited speaker)
Destexhe, A.Similar cortical states during wakefulness and slow-wave sleep oscillations5th INMED/TINS Conference: Physiogenic and Pathogenic Oscillations: the Beauty and the Beast, La Ciotat, France, 2006 (invited speaker)
Destexhe, A.Thalamocortical oscillations: from single cells to neuronal networksMolecular mechanisms and modeling of biological rhythms", Orsay, France, 2006 (invited speaker)
Destexhe, A.What can fluctuations tell us about neuronal computations?"International Computational Neuroscience Meeting", RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Tokyo, Japan, 2006 (invited speaker)
Ellguth, G., Mayr, C., Henker, S. and Schüffny, R.Design techniques for deep submicron CMOS / Case study Delta-Sigma-ModulatorDresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und Systementwurf 2006, p. 35-40
Escobar, M.-J., Kornprobst, P., Wohrer, A. and Vieville, T.Can we recognize motion from spike train analysis?European Conference Visual Perception, 2006
Escobar, M.-J., Wohrer, A., Kornprobst, P. and Vieville, T.Biological motion recognition using an MT-like modelNeuroComp06
Garcia Alvarez, S., Perin, R. and Markram, H.Quantitative Analysis of Neuron Densities and Distributions in the Neocortical ColumnJoint Forum of European Neuroscience (FENS) 2006, Vienna, July 2006
Grimbert, F., Chavane, F. and Faugeras, O.From neural field to VSD optical imagingAnnual Meeting of the Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS?07)
Häusler, S.Computational consequences of lamina-specific structure in cortical microcircuit modelsSalt Lake City, USA, Cosyne 2006, Conf. & Workshop, March 2006
Häusler, S.Computational consequences of lamina-specific structure in cortical microcircuit modelsFENS, Wien, Forum of European Neuroscience, July 2006
Henker, S., Schlüßler, J.-U. and Schüffny, R.White Balancing with Multi-Channel CMOS SensorsProceedings Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2005, University of Otago, Dunedin, p. 37-42
Jan, A., Francioli, L., Shah, Y., Sfyrakis, K., Schuermann, F. and Markram, H.Database Architecture for the Neocortical ColumnJoint Forum of European Neuroscience (FENS) 2006, Vienna, July 2006
Kornprobst, P., Chavane, F., Chemla, S., Reynaud, A. and Vieville, T.Reverse engineering of the visual brain cortical maps computation using optical-imagingEuropean Conference Visual Perception, 2006
Kornprobst, P., Chemla, S., Rochel, O. and Vieville, T.A 1st step towards an abstract view of computation in spiking neural-networksNeuroComp06
Kornprobst, P., Vieville, T., Chemla, S. and Rochel, O.Modeling cortical maps with feed-backsEuropean Conference Visual Perception, 2006
Perin, R. and Markram, H.Properties of synaptic convergence revealed by 12 patch-clamp recordings in neocortical slicesJoint Forum of European Neuroscience (FENS) 2006, Vienna, July 2006
Perrinet, L., Kremkow, F., Barthelemy, F. and Masson, G.S.Input-output transformation in the visuo-oculomotor loop : modeling the ocular following response to centre-surround stimulation in a probabilistic framework6th FENS Meeting Abstract A216.16
Piwkowska, Z., Brette, R., Rudolph, M., Destexhe, A. and Bal, T.Reproducing in-vivo-like synaptic inputs to a neuron with Active Electrode Compensation - a new technique allowing high temporal resolution in single-electrode dynamic-clampFENS 2006, Vienna (poster)
Richardson, M.The trapping potential of neurons under random current injectionWorkshop "Stochastic dynamics of neurons and networks" at CNS (Edinburgh, July 2006)
Rudolph, M., Piwkowska, Z., Brette, R., Destexhe, A. and Bal, T.Precise dynamic-clamp injection of stochastic conductances using active electrode compensationSFN 2005, Washington (poster)
Schüffny, R.VLSI Implementierung und Test von pulsgekoppelten neuronalen Netzwerken Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und Systementwurf 2006
Thomson, A. Nomenclature of Neocortical Interneurones round table, Petilla, Spain: October 2005
Thomson, A. Cold Spring Harbour Symposium, GABAergic System, USA, October 2005
Thomson, A. Cajal Centenary Meeting, Barcelona, April 2006
Thomson, A. CNS Workshop July 2006
Thomson, A. Biologically Inspired Information Fusion, Surrey University, August 2006
Thomson, A. Computational Neuroscience Summer School, Arcachon, France: August 2006
Vieville, T. and Rochel, O.One step towards an abstract view of computation in spiking neural-networksInt. Conf. on Cognitive and Neural Systems 2006
Wohrer, A., Kornprobst, P. and Vieville, T.A Biologically-Inspired Model for a Spiking Retina2006, RR INRIA 5848
Wohrer, A., Kornprobst, P. and Vieville, T.Contrast gain control through a feedback in the retinaNeuroComp 06
Wohrer, A., Kornprobst, P. and Vieville, T. From Light to Spikes: a Large-Scale Retina SimulatorInt. Conf. on Cognitive and Neural Systems 2006
Wohrer, A., Masson, G., Perrinet, L., Kornprobst, P. and Vieville, T.Contrast sensitivity adaptation in a virtual spiking retina and its adequation with mammalians retinasEuropean Conference Visual Perception, 2006
Abitbol et al. 2010Abitbol, K., Hatchett, C., Fuchs, C., Stephenson, F.A., Thomson, A.M. and Jovanovic, J.N.Mechanisms underlying synapse-specific clustering of α1- and α2-containing GABAA receptors : Identification of proteins that specifically interact with the extracellular domain of either α1 or α2 GABAA receptor subunits Symposium 'GABAA receptors and anxiety' Chexbres, Switzerland, 2010
Abitbol et al. 2010bAbitbol, K., Goffin, D., Fuchs, C., Sihra, T.S., Thomson, A.M. and Jovanovic, J.N.Developmental changes in the structure and function of GABAergic synapses in cultured embryonic striatal medium spiny neuronsFENS Forum 2010: 074.1
Ander et al. 2007Ander, M. and Schüffny, R.Design and Implementation of a high speed LVDS Transmitter and ReceiverWorkshop des Arbeitskreises IC-Design im Silicon Saxony: Entwurf von integrierten Analog-/Mixed-Signal-/HF-Schaltungen, May 2007
Arduin et al. 2009Arduin, P.J., Ego-Stengel, V., Shulz, D. and Frégnac, Y. Graded control of a prosthesis by operant conditioning of single-units in rat motor cortexCongrès FRM/IRME/ICM Interfaces Cerveau-Machine, Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale Paris VIIe, France. November 05 2009.
Bal et al. 2008Bal, T., Piwkowska, Z., Brette, R., Wolfart, J., Debay, D., Monier, C., Rudoph-Lilith, M., Fournier, J., Levy, M., Fregnac, Y., Destexhe, A., Le Masson, G. Thalamocortical hybrid networks and an introduction to Active Electrode Compensation.Meeting of the Physiological Society, Techniques Workshop ? Unravelling synaptic integration using conductance injection ? the dynamic clamp 13-14 juillet. (Invited conference). (2008)
Bal et al. 2009Bal, T., Béhuret, S., Deleuze, C., Gomez, L., Piwkowska, Z., Wolfart, J., Debay, D., Brette, R., El Boustani, S., Marre, O., Baudot, P., Yger, P., Rudolph, M., Le Masson, G., Sadoc, G., Destexhe, A., and Frégnac, Y. Hybrid biological-artificial neuronal networks. Colloque ANR Interface Physique-Chimie-Biologie, Fréjus, France. 2009
Béhuret et al. 2010Béhuret, S., Gomez, L., Frégnac, Y. and Bal, T. Context-dependency in the transfer of sensory information in thalamo-cortico-thalamic circuits. 7th FENS Forum Abstracts: 192.5. Amsterdam. Netherlands. 2010
Béhuret et al. 2010bBéhuret, S., Gomez, L., Frégnac, Y. and Bal, T. Context-dependent information transfer in model thalamocortical circuits. In Multiscale analysis of neural systems: taking the challenge seriously. (Orgs. P. Vernier, N. Peyrieras, A. Jouvenceau and Y. Frégnac). 10th Neurobiology Conference Ladislav Tauc, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. 2010
Belhadj et al. 2008Belhadj, B., Tomas, J., Malot, O., N'kaoua, G., Bornat, Y. and Renaud, S.FPGA-based Architecture for Real-time Synaptic Plasticity ComputationProc. of the Int. Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS'08 (2008): 93-96 abstract, fulltext
Belhadj et al. 2009Belhadj, B., Tomas, J., Bornat, Y., Daouzli, A., Malot, O. and Renaud, S. Digital Mapping of a Realistic Spike Timing Plasticity Model for Real-time Neural SimulationsIn XXIV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, (DCIS 2009) Zaragoza, Spain, 2009.
Belhadj et al. 2009aBelhadj, B., Tomas, J., Malot, O., Bornat, Y., Saïghi, S., Renaud, S.Plasticity computation in a multiboard system simulator dedicated to SNNNeurocomp Conference (2009) Bordeaux, France
Belhadj et al. 2009bBelhadj, B., Tomas, J., Bornat, Y., Malot, O. and Renaud, S. Token-passing communication protocol in hardware based real-time spiking neural networksIn Proceedings of SPIE, Bioengineered and Bioinspired Systems, Microtechnologies for the New Millenium, SPIE'09 Dresden, Germany, 2009.
Belhadj et al. 2010Belhadj, B., Tomas, J., Malot, O., Bornat, Y., N'Kaoua, G., Renaud, S.Guaranteeing spike arrival time in multiboard & multichip spiking neural networksIEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS (2010), Paris, France
Bornat et al. 2007Bornat, Y., Tomas, J., Lopez, C., Malot, O., Bilhadj, B. and Renaud, S.Design of analog/digital simulator dedicated to real-time neurocomputingXXII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, 21-23 November 2007, Sevilla, Spain
Brémaud and Thomson 2009Brémaud, A. and Thomson, A. M.Complex short term dynamics in stochastic models of neocortical synaptic connectionsSociety for Neuroscience 2009: 822.19
Brette et al. 2007Brette, R., Piwkowska, Z., Rudolph, M., Bal, T. and Destexhe, A.A non-parametric electrode model for intracellular recordingNeurocomputing, Volume 70, Issue 10-12 (June 2007), Pages: 1597-1601 abstract
Brette et al. 2008aBrette, R., Piwkowska, Z., Gomez-Gonzalez, J.F., Monier, C., Rudolph-Lilith, M., Fournier, J., Levy, M., Fregnac, Y., Bal, T. and Destexhe, A.Active Electrode Compensation for high-resolution intracellular recordings in vitro and in vivo.Neuron (2008) 59: 379-391 abstract
Brette et al. 2008bBrette, R., Piwkowska, Z., Monier, C., Rudolph-Lilith, M., Fournier, J., Levy, M., Frégnac, Y., Bal, T. and Destexhe, A. Active Electrode Compensation for high resolution intracellular recordings in vitro and in vivo."34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience". Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. 34: 101.14. Washington, DC, USA. (2008)
Bruederle et al. 2007Bruederle, D., Gruebl, A., Meier, K., Mueller, E. and Schemmel, J.A Software Framework for Tuning the Dynamics of Neuromorphic Silicon Towards Biologyn Proc. of IWANN 2007, San Sebastián, Spain, June 2007, Springer LNCS 4507, pp. 479 - 486 abstract, fulltext
Brüderle et al. 2009cBrüderle, D., Kremkow, J., Bauer, A., Perrinet, L.U., Aertsen, A., Masson, G.S., Meier, K. and Schemmel, J.Matching Network Dynamics Generated by a Neuromorphic Hardware System and by a Software SimulatorBernstein Conference on Computational Neurosciences (2009)
Bruederle et al. 2010Brüderle, D., Bill, J., Kaplan, B., Kremkow, J., Meier, K., Müller, E. and Schemmel, J.Simulator-like exploration of cortical network architectures with a mixed-signal VLSI systemProceedings of 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (2010): 2784-2787
Buhry et al. 2008Buhry, L., Saïghi, S., Giremus, A., Grivel, E. and Renaud, S. Parameter estimation of the Hodgkin-Huxley model using metaheuristics : application to neuromimetic analog integrated circuitsBiomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, BIOCAS08, pp. 173-176, Baltimore, USA, November 18-21, 2008 abstract, fulltext
Buhry et al. 2008bBuhry, L., Saïghi, S., Giremus, A., Grivel, E. and Renaud, S.Estimation des paramètres du modèle d'Hodgkin-Huxley par des métaheuristiques"Neurocomp08 (2008) pp. 27-31, Marseille, France, Oct 8-11, 2008
Buhry et al. 2009Buhry, L., Saïghi, S., Salem, W.B. and Renaud, S. Adjusting Neuron Models in Neuromimetic ICs using the Differential Evolution Algorithm4th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, Antalya, Turkey, 29 April-2 May 2009, pp 681-684
Buhry et al. 2009bBuhry, L., Saïghi, S., Giremus, A., Grivel, E., Renaud, S.New Variant of the Differential Evolution Algorithm: Application for NeuroscientistEuropean Signal Processing Conference - EUSIPCO (2009) Glasgow, UK
Buhry et al. 2009cBuhry, L., Saïghi, S., Giremus, A., Grivel, E., Renaud, S.Automated Tuning of Analog Neuromimetic Integrated CircuitsIEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference - BioCAS (2009), Beijing, China
Cessac et al. 2008Cessac, B., Rostro, H., Vasquez, J.C. and Viéville, T.Statistics of spikes trains, synaptic plasticity and Gibbs distributionsaccepted in NeuroComp 2008 (communication)
Cessac et al. 2008bCessac, B., Rostro, H., Vasquez, J.C. and Viéville, T.To which extent is the "neural code" a metric?accepted to NeuroComp 2008 (poster)
Cessac et al. 2008cCessac, B., Rostro, H., Vasquez, J.C. and Viéville, T. Statistics of spikes trains, synaptic plasticity and Gibbs distributionsproceedings of the conference NeuroComp 2008 (Marseille).
Chavane et al. 2008bChavane, F., Reynaud, A. and Masson, G.S.The role of cortico-cortical interactions during motion integration: a voltage-sensitive dye imaging study in V1 and V2 of the awake monkeyJournal of Vision (2008) 8(6):226, 226a. VSS, Naples FL
Chemla et al. 2008Chemla, S., Vieville, T. and Chavane, F. Biophysical cortical column model for optical signal analysisNeurocomp'08 (2008)
Chemla et al. 2008bChemla, S., Vieville, T. and Chavane F.Biophysical cortical column model for optical signal analysisIn Research in Encoding And Decoding of Neural Ensembles Conference (AREADNE) (2008)
Clopath et al. 2008bClopath, C., Longtin, A. and Gerstner, W.An online Hebbian learning rule that performs Independent Component AnalysisNIPS, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, December 3-6, 2007. In: MIT Press, 2008, p. 312-328 fulltext
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3 August 2011